Explore — Fair Trade

Vitamins: behind the science video
What exactly happens to vitamins and minerals when they are processed? Watch this short video as it explains why vitamins in their natural form are better for you and the environment. #bedhindthescience
Explore the tea gardens of Sri Lanka with Eloments Cofounder Julie
Originally published on Traveller.com.au. How to drink tea in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka's serene highlands offer a tea experience steeped in tradition, says the co-founder of Eloments Organic Vitamin Teas. Julie Hirsch is a frequent visitor to Sri Lanka, where she sources tea and spices for the range, eloments.com. STEP ONE Sri Lanka is famous for its Ceylon tea, and 7 million kilograms of this bold, black tea are sold every week at the renowned Colombo Tea Auction, which can be visited on tours. My favourite spot for a cuppa is on The Verandah at the Galle Face Hotel,...

The Beautiful Existence
Originally published on The Beautiful Existence Blog. Written by Sophie, who is the owner and creator of The Beautiful Existence, a Melbourne based self proclaimed nerd, gym junkie and lover of all things creative, tasty and well designed. Eloments Organic Vitamin Tea Review Meet Eloments tea, the world’s first all natural and organic vitamin tea! We all love relaxing and sipping a hot, fresh cup of tea…and now Eloments founder’s Nicole and Julie have upped the tea game by adding 9 different essential vitamins and minerals to supercharge your daily cup! It’s no secret I love a spruced up drink,...

What does Certified Fairtrade actually mean?
If you watch The Good Place, you might remember a scene about a tomato. In this scene, the cast is discussing their ‘goodness points’ earned on Earth, and they use the example of purchasing a tomato. A tomato is a healthy fruit, it’s not processed and should - in theory - be a positive choice. But that beautiful ripe tomato may have unintended consequences in our modern world. Were harmful pesticides used to grow it? Was it harvested by an underpaid labour force, and then put on a fuel-intensive truck to drive it to your grocery store? In essence, is...
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